Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan extends loan maturity period for individuals!

In order to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic in Uzbekistan on loan repayment and taking into account the quarantine situation, Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan announces a unilateral two-month extension of the maturity period for all loans issued to individuals with a debt amount of up to UZS 100 million.

Loan repayments for April and May 2020 from individuals will be deferred by postponing the last loan repayment date the without a borrower’s application. 

It should also be noted that extending the loan maturity period does not relieve borrower of the obligation to pay the loan debt and interest accrued on the existing loan balance in the future. 

For applications :

     Bank Branch Name         
Bank Address      
Phone Number

Head Office
15 ABV, Bunyodkor Avenue, Tashkent  
(+998 78) 147-96-05; +998 99 010-78-26

Retail Sector Operations Department
15 ABV, Bunyodkor Avenue, Tashkent  
(+998 78) 147-97-01; +998 99 010-78-11

Corporate Sector Operations Department 
15 ABV, Bunyodkor Avenue, Tashkent  
(+998 78) 147-97-55; +998 99 010-78-40

Yunusabad Branch 
36b, A. Kodiriy street, Tashkent 
(+998 78) 147-91-01; +998 99 010-78-31

Samarkand Office
1B, Beruniy Street, Samarkand 
(+998 78) 147-95-01; +998 99 010-78-36     
