6 Simple Cyber Hygiene Rules to Keep Security


1. Keeping Passwords Safe

• Do not use the same password for multiple accounts.

• Change your password regularly.

• Use passwords that are at least 12 characters long, incorporating uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

• Avoid using simple passwords. A password should not consist of sequential number combinations (1234) or personal information that someone who knows you might guess, such as your birthdate or pet's name.

• Do not write down passwords or share them with others.

2. Regular Data Backup

• Keep important files safe and protect against data loss by backing them up to a flash drive, external hard drive, or cloud storage.

3. Ensuring Privacy

• Do not post personal information such as home addresses, personal photos, phone numbers, or credit card numbers on social networks.

• Evaluate your privacy settings on social networks and ensure they are set to a level that is comfortable for you.

• Avoid quizzes, games, and surveys on social networks that ask for personal information.

• Be cautious about permissions for the apps you use.

• Lock your computer and phone with a password or PIN.

• Conduct all online transactions on secure websites that start with https:// and have a lock icon on the left side of the address bar.

4. Updating Applications, Software, and Firmware

• Regularly update applications, web browsers, operating systems, and firmware to ensure they have the latest versions that address or fix potential security vulnerabilities.

• If possible, configure automatic software update functions.

• Uninstall unused applications.

• Download applications only from trusted or official sources (Play Market, App Store).

5. Protecting Against Social Engineering Attacks

• Do not click on suspicious links if you are not sure of their legitimacy.

• Do not open emails that look suspicious.

• Do not download suspicious attachments in unexpected emails or text messages.

• Do not click on advertisements that promise free money, prizes, or discounts.

6. Ensuring Reliable Antivirus Protection

• Use a trusted antivirus program and update it regularly.



