Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan - Today

Today, the Bank is a modern universal lending institution providing a full range of banking services and holding a stable position among lending institutions operating in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Bank is equipped with modern computing and office equipment, as well as software tools, which today, as a whole, are the most promising solution to the software and hardware problem of a modern bank.

In 2017, the Bank’s business scope grew at a pace that allowed the Bank to maintain its market position at a proper level and a strong position among comparable banks. 

A good level of corporate governance and a clear bank strategy aimed at further business diversification and regional expansion contribute to additional stability to the bank’s business. 

Currently, the bank has a positive reputation and image, a strong position in the corporate services market, high quality assets and a good level of risk management, an acceptable liquid position and adequate capitalization. 

Currently, Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan JSC is:   

  • high quality of assets;
  • high business activity of the bank and intensive mastering of main segments of the bank services market;
  • high liquidity rates;
  • a clear bank strategy aimed at capturing its niche in the market and setting business priorities; 
  • shareholder support;
  • active introduction of modern banking information technologies and financial instruments; 
  • a good level of information reliability and accessibility for investors and customers; 
  • an experienced team of bank managers.
