Consumer Loan "Comfortable home"

«Comfortable home – 2.0»

Consumer loan product

(The credit calculator is in the process of testing, and calculations may differ from the final repayment schedule)

1. The main principles and terms of the loan issuance
2.1. Feature of consumer loan Term loan
2.2. Name of loan product «Comfortable home-2.0»
2.3. Purpose of loan product Consumer credit allocated for individuals (consumers) for the repair works and services of residential and non-residential buildings, as well as the purchase of construction materials.
2.4. Requirements for citizenship and employment of the citizen
  • Resident or non-resident of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Individuals with official income (those with a permanent job or those receiving salary through a project-based payment);
2.5. Loan currency In national currency; UZS
2.6. Loan term Up to 36 months
2.7. Interest rate  1-12 months – 25,0 % (per annum)
13-24 months - 26,5 % (per annum)
25-36 months - 28,0 % (per annum)
2.8. Period for consideration of the loan application submitted by the borrower and decision making on this application  Up to 5 (five) working days (with the submission of a complete set of documents)
2.9. Minimum loan amount 30,000,000 (thirty million) UZS
2.10. Maximum loan amount   300,000,000 (three hundred million) UZS
2.11. Type of provision (collateral) 
  • Property collateral not less than 115% of the loan amount, third-party guarantees;
  • Collateral for loans granted to individuals related to the bank will be accepted in the amount specified by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2.12. Requirements for the borrower 
  • From 21 to 60 years of age during the loan repayment period.
  • No negative credit history;
  • Absence of overdue debts in banks and/or credit institutions;
  • 60% of the client's average monthly income should be sufficient for the new loan and existing loan payments and other mandatory payments.
2.13. Requirements for co-borrowers
  • Age from 21 to 60 years at the period of loan repayment;
  • No negative credit history;
  • Absence of overdues (debts) in banks and/or credit institutions;
  • 60% of the combined average net income of the borrower and co-borrower must be sufficient to cover the highest monthly loan repayment and the average monthly payment for all existing loans and other liabilities.
2.14. Loan allocation form Transferring funds to the supplier's or service provider's account in non-cash form, based on a contract, at the bank office (offline).
2.15. The validity period of the decision on the loan issuance  30 (thirty) days
2.16. Periodicity of interim  payments Monthly
2.17. Payment method Annuity or differentiated payment

0,00 UZS