Car loan for primary market

Car loan product for individuals

buying a vehicle in the primary market

Basic parameters and terms of lending

1.1. Features of consumer credit. Term loan
1.2. Name of loan product Car loan
1.3. Citizenship requirement Resident of the Republic of Uzbekistan
1.4. Purpose of the loan product Consumer loan - for the purchase of a vehicle in the primary market
1.5. Loan currency In national currency; sum (UZS)
1.6. Maximum loan term The maximum loan term without a grace period is 60 (sixty) months
1.7. Interest rate Interest rate 1 - 12 months 13 - 24 months 25 - 36 months 37 - 48 months 49 - 60 months
Initial payment 20% 25,0% 26,0% 27,0% 28,0% 29,0%
Initial payment 30% 24,5% 25,0% 26,0% 27,0% 28,0%
Initial payment (>=) 40% 23,0% 24,0% 25,0% 26,0% 27,0%
For self-employed (and without income certificate) individuals Initial payment (>=30%) * 24,5% 25,0% 26,0% 27,0% 28,0%
  • * For self-employed (and without income certificate) individuals, the initial contribution must be at least 30%.
  • An individual borrower without an official income refers to individuals who do not have a regular monthly salary (this category involves self-employed individuals).
  • No down payment is required if sufficient collateral is provided in addition to the vehicle being purchased.
1.8. Requirements for consideration of the loan application submitted by the borrower and decision making on this application Up to 5 (five) working days (with the submission of a complete set of documents)
1.9. Maximum loan amount Up to 2.650 basic settlement values (993,750,000 UZS as of today)
1.10. Necessary documents
  • Original documents proving the identity of the borrower and co-borrower (passport, identity card, residence permit, etc.);
  • Documents on collateral for loan repayment;
  • Information about the borrower's average monthly income is obtained by the bank independently in electronic form through special networks. If it is impossible to determine the average monthly income from the borrower, the bank may require documents confirming the sources of income.
1.11 Type of provision (collateral)
  • Purchased and/or other vehicle, real estate mortgage, third party guaranty, loan non-return risk insurance policy at a value not less than 115% of the loan amount; Collateral for a loan issued to persons affiliated with the bank is accepted in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
1.12 Requirements for the borrower
  • From 21 to 60 years of age during the loan repayment period.
  • No negative credit history.
  • Absence of overdue debts in banks and/or credit institutions;
  • Based on the average monthly income of the borrower, no more than 60% should ensure the repayment of principal and interest payments on the loan and other current liabilities.
  • Individuals who do not have official income provide information about their income sufficient for the loan payment
1.13 Requirements for the borrower and co-borrower
  • Age from 21 to 60 years at the period of loan repayment;
  • No negative credit history;
  • Absence of overdues (debts) in banks and/or credit institutions;
  • 60% of the combined average net income of the borrower and co-borrower must be sufficient to cover the highest monthly loan repayment and the average monthly payment for all existing loans and other liabilities.
1.14 Credit allocation form Non-cash transfer of funds to the seller's account based on the sales contract.
1.15 Validity of the loan decision 30 (thirty) days.
1.16 Periodicity of interim repayment payments Monthly.
1.17 Type of repayment payments Annuity or differentiated payment (with monthly distribution of debt body into equal parts).
1.18 Additional requirements
  • To encourage customers to purchase environmentally friendly, light-duty hybrid electric cars and/or electric vehicles (except for internal combustion engine vehicles that use only gasoline and other petroleum products as fuel), a discount of -1% (minus one percent) per annum from current interest rates is given.
  • While allocating car loan products to the active individual customers of our bank, an annual discount of -1% (minus one percent) from current interest rates will be given.
  • The discount is calculated based on the criteria above only and once, i.e. it is provided not exceeding -1% (minus one) per annum percentage.
1.19. JSC Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan criteria for active clients Main group Product/channel Criterion
Demand Demand deposit The average balance of the last 3 months is 100.000 UZS and more
Term Term deposit The average balance of the last 3 months is 10.000.000 UZS and more
Loan Consumer loan ≥ 1.000.000 UZS
Mortgage loan ≥ 5.000.000 UZS
Car loan ≥ 5.000.000 UZS

In case of discrepancy between the languages, Uzbek language shall prevail other languages

0,00 UZS